Artist Advocacy Library


An essay by Monty Cole on the ways in which American Theater is built not on art but on capitalism.

An excellent breakdown of how white supremacy manifests within our institutions.

An interactive map of indigenous territories, languages, and treaties. Find out whose land you’re on.

A NYT article on the proposed bill to allow freelancers to engage in collective action & bargaining.

An economic framing around the ways Black producers and artists have succeeded and failed, and why, within the modern cultural zeitgeist.


A discussion of white identity: why it’s hard to discuss in the first place and the importance of doing so anyway.

Two culture writers from the New York Times discuss Hamilton: what it meant and what the backlash means now. Also their thoughts on I May Destroy You and Ziwe Fumudoh’s Baited where she interviews white comedians about race.

A podcast hosted by two indigenous women, this episode focuses on the variety of forms that appropriation comes in and how to avoid it rather than trying to make it “okay”.